Digital Image Analysis and GIS


Martin Wegmann





This course provides detailed knowledge of programming or coding using spatial data, especially for remote sensing and GIS tasks.



Different spatial programming approaches are covered using actual remote sensing and GIS data to enable the students to apply a variety of methods in a semi-automatic manner for remote sensing data analysis. All methods will be practically applied during the course using the programming language R and maybe other programs such as GRASS, SAGA, QGIS or OTB. This course continues where the “Programming and Geostatistics” courses stopped and is considered a prerequisite. Both courses are tightly linked



Coding for specific spatial data tasks are covered


Various software programs will be used, but mainly OpenSource software such as R.


Different spatial data coding techniques will be introduced and practically applied.


Coding exercises for the analysis of spatial data sets

General Course News and Updates

student perspective on the importance of remote sensing training

student perspective on the importance of remote sensing training

Some of our former M.Sc. students published a peer-reviewed article about the importance of remote sensing training approaches, how it helped them in their career and what need to be improved. The article is titled: “More than counting pixels – perspectives on the importance of remote sensing training in ecology and conservation” and published in Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

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Winter term about to start

Winter term about to start

The winter term is about to start. The official start of the next semester is Monday 17th. The official EAGLE welcome will be on Monday as well followed by a joint dinner before the courses start on Tuesday. Further details on course dates and locations will be posted...

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applications for 2016

applications for 2016

The application deadline for the winter term 2016 was last Friday and we are now working through the numerous application. We are happy to have received a very high number of applications from all around the world and will get back to the applicants as soon as...

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