Object-oriented image analysis


Within this course object-oriented image analysis is introduced using different very high to high remote sensing data. Different approaches and techniques will be covered to allow students to apply this method in applied science.



Theoretical basics of object-oriented methods are covered and discussed concerning their disadvantages and advantages for applied landscape analysis. Practical exercises are covering first segmentation steps to ready classified images. Various examples and technical settings are explored to outline the challenges and potential of object-oriented image analysis. Final outcome will be an individual project working on different set of images and methods.



Coding examples and individual work will be covered


Various software programs will be used, but mainly OpenSource software such as R.


Different techniques will be introduced and practically applied.


The content of scientific with regard to the audience will be discussed.

General Course News and Updates



Various very specific scientific software packages are developed to serve specific purposes like the SNAP tools for Sentinel fleet data processing. Our EAGLEs have to learn the wealth of relevant software packages for our field of research and get to know the pros and...

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our EAGLEs train SAGA GIS

our EAGLEs train SAGA GIS

Within our EAGLE MSc program our students are learning quite a variety of programming environments and software programs, however due to the high diversity of available (open-source) programs our students have to apply their spatial research skills to learn a totally...

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EAGLE students train scientific presentations

EAGLE students train scientific presentations

Within our scientific presentation course within the EAGLE Msc our students also have to learn how deliver good scientific presentation within a large lecture room and for a larger crowd of scientists. Therefore we expose them to the large number of bsc students...

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EAGLEs high up in the mountains

EAGLEs high up in the mountains

Some of our EAGLEs went up to the research station on the highest mountain of Germany to explore the research activities conducted in this area and discuss what remote sensing can contribute. The met ecologists, botanists and other disciplines and learned what Earth...

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Article published by our EAGLE Laura Obrecht

Article published by our EAGLE Laura Obrecht

Just before the end of last year Lauras manuscript about fractional cover analysis in Namibia got published! Her research is titled "Mapping Changes in Fractional Vegetation Cover on the Namib Gravel Plains with Satellite-Retrieved Land Surface Emissivity Data"....

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EAGLE Xmas party

EAGLE Xmas party

After a bit more than 2 months of intense Earth Observation courses and lots of studying of radar, cloud computing, r and python programming and much more the EAGLEs are celebrating the end of the year and two weeks break before the second part of the winter terms...

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