Science from wall to wall - from proposal to publication


Hannes Taubenboeck
and colleagues





Managing scientific projects as well as project proposals and developing them towards successful science is a common task for scientists as well as practitioner. In this course different approaches will be introduced and discussed.


Research does mean much more than identifying crucial research question, finding appropriate data, developing algorithms and deriving new findings. While this course will contain all mentioned issues it will beyond highlight the challenges for raising money for research, writing proposals, building up networks, writing papers and doing presentations. All topics will be introduced by the examples of currently running research projects.



General Course News and Updates

internship and MSc idea presentation

internship and MSc idea presentation

on Tuesday April 6th 3pm we will have the folling internship and MSc idea presentations: Joy-Giovanni Matabishi, " MESMA of DESIS data to identify Rooftops in Kigali"- Internship/EKUT Luisa Pflumm, "Comparison of the performance of different accessibility layers for...

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internship presentations

internship presentations

On Monday March 1st at 10am the following internships will be presented:  Marius Witt, Baby it's cold outside - Interning at DLRs Polar Team, internship at DLR. Jakob Wachter, Potential use cases of a self established database for social media data, internship at...

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MSc thesis defense by Patrick Sogno

MSc thesis defense by Patrick Sogno

On Monday, 25th of January at 10 a.m., Patrick Sogno will present his M.Sc. thesis "Earth Observation for Exposome Mapping – Proof of Concept and Case Study in Augsburg, Germany". from the abstract: "Non-communicable diseases – NCDs – (asthma, cancer, or diabetes, for...

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internship, inno lab and MSc idea

internship, inno lab and MSc idea

On Monday 21st of December at 10am we will have the following presentations:   Camilo (Internship)"Forest cover change between 2000 and 2020 in El Chaco ecoregion, Paraguay" at DLR Johannes Mast (Thesis Idea):"Measuring Urban Polycentricity using Remote Sensing"...

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MSc defense by Aiga Taghavi

MSc defense by Aiga Taghavi

Aida Taghavi will present her M.Sc. thesis "Potentials of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probes for Assessing and Mapping SAR-based Soil Moisture in a Mediterranean agro-forestry ecosystem" on Dec. 15th at 1pm. From her abstract: "Accurate near-surface soil moisture (~ 5cm,...

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