Science from wall to wall - from proposal to publication


Hannes Taubenboeck
and colleagues





Managing scientific projects as well as project proposals and developing them towards successful science is a common task for scientists as well as practitioner. In this course different approaches will be introduced and discussed.


Research does mean much more than identifying crucial research question, finding appropriate data, developing algorithms and deriving new findings. While this course will contain all mentioned issues it will beyond highlight the challenges for raising money for research, writing proposals, building up networks, writing papers and doing presentations. All topics will be introduced by the examples of currently running research projects.



General Course News and Updates

M.Sc. thesis handed in by Marcus Groll

M.Sc. thesis handed in by Marcus Groll

Marcus Groll handed in his M.Sc. thesis "Deep learning for Instance Segmentation of bomb craters on historical aerial images of the Second World War " and will defend it next week. Abstract: During the Second World War (WWII) many air strikes were flown on German...

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Our EAGLEs in 2018 visited the German Aerospace Center, namely the Earth Observation Center, close to Munich. Various topics were presented by DLR scientist and the EAGLEs hat the chance to discuss various topics in small groups with individual scientists.

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New 2018 EAGLE students now online

New 2018 EAGLE students now online

Web presence of you new EAGLE students is online. Our new 2018 EAGLE students created their own webspace in order to present the group and each student individually. Have a look who started EAGLE this year, read about their background and interests - and especially...

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