Scientific Presentations



Martin Wegmann





The students will learn to design scientifically relevant presentations.

Presentations, approaches and layouts as well as programs will be discussed with regard to its scientific content and goal to ensure high quality presentations and dissemination of relevant information.



Visual scientific presentation skills will be taught. Existing presentations will be discussed and evaluated with regard to visual appearance, scientific content and dissemination. Moreover design and appearance of presentations and poster will be discussed and guidelines provided. Individual training of presentations using a variety of programs will be part of it as well. Alternative presentation methods will be introduced (e.g. knitr, beamer).



Visual as well as coding approaches for presentations are covered


Various software programs will be used, but mainly R with knitr, markdown, slidify etc. or Latex Beamer


Different visualisation, oral presentation as well as preparation techniques will be introduced and practically applied.



Theoretical and practical background of scientific presentations and their underlying assumptions and software are covered

General Course News and Updates

EAGLE MSc students working in the Arctic

EAGLE MSc students working in the Arctic

From August to November, two EAGLE students had the opportunity to do their internship at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), working in the department of Arctic Biology. Their tasks included regular drone flights in Adventdalen, a valley close to the world’s...

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MSc defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

On October 06, 2023, Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei (Sanaz) successfully defended her master’s thesis entitled “Short-term forecast of water reservoir dynamics by integrating earth observation and hydrological modeling for dam management” at the Earth Observation Research...

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MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei On Friday, October 09, 2023, at 10 a.m. Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei will present her MSc thesis "Short-term forecast of water reservoir dynamics by integrating earth observation and hydrological modeling for dam management" in...

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first EAGLE MSc. student defended his PhD

first EAGLE MSc. student defended his PhD

one of our very first EAGLE M.Sc. students Maninder Dhillon successfully defended his PhD! Congratulations by the whole EAGLE program and of course all EAGLE students - many of the young and older students joined his presentation and listened to his topic of...

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Msc Defense by Katrin Wernicke

Msc Defense by Katrin Wernicke

On Tuesday, July 18 at 10 a.m. Katrin Wernicke will present her MSc Thesis "Deep Learning for Refugee Camps – Mapping Settlement Extents with Sentinel-2 Imagery and Semantic Segmentation" From the abstract: The number of people forced to flee their homes has...

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