Soil and Vegetation RADAR analysis


Nima Ahmadian





The participants will get familiar with the methological skills and processing chain for the analysis of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) and Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR) data.



The module encompasses the following practical topics:

  • Processing of sentinel-1 radar SLC and GRD data for retrieving the biophysical parameters of different crop types and soil.
  • Processing of quad pol (full polarization) of RADARSAT2 satellite data and AIRSAR full polarimetric photogrammetric data acquired by airplane to get familiar with the decomposition concept.
  • Processing of Tandem-X bistatic mode to retrieve the forest height and biomass.


General Course News and Updates

M.Sc. defense by Marius Philipp on Nov. 22nd

M.Sc. defense by Marius Philipp on Nov. 22nd

Marius Philipp is going to defend his M.Sc. thesis on November 22nd at 10 am in room 1.009 (OKW86). The title of his thesis is "Potential of harmonic analysis using remote sensing data for studying the effects of climate change induced weather extreme events on forest...

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Welcome of the 2019 EAGLEs

Welcome of the 2019 EAGLEs

On Monday, 14th of October, at 4 p.m., we will again welcome a new generation of EAGLEs (Z6, 01.002). After the official welcome and some introductory presentations, we will also introduce the lecturer and provide first details about the upcoming semester(s)....

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M.Sc. presentation by Johni Miah

M.Sc. presentation by Johni Miah

Johni Miah will present his M.Sc. thesis " Detecting and Assessing Ground Subsidence of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data of Sentinel-1" on September 30th at 2pm in OKW 86. From the abstract: " The identification and measurement of ground...

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M.Sc. defense by Louis Freytag Loringhoven

M.Sc. defense by Louis Freytag Loringhoven

On Tuesday, 24th at 2pm Louis Freytag-Loringhoven will present his M.Sc. thesis "Remote sensing of water quality using Sentinel-2 towards a potential separation of Cyanobacteria blooms from other Algae." from the abstract: Globally, the over-enrichment of nutrients...

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M.Sc. thesis presentation by Karsten Wiertz

M.Sc. thesis presentation by Karsten Wiertz

Karsten Wiertz will present his M.Sc. thesis on Wednesday 14th at 11am in room 0.004 KW 86 with the title "Development of a semi-automatic remote sensing approach for change- detection of forest structures in Bialowieza Forest." From the abstract: The diversity of...

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