internship, inno lab and MSc idea presentations

On Thursday 24th of September from 10am onwards we will have a range of presentations covering a MSc idea presentation

  • Patrick Sogno on “Earth Observation for Exposome Mapping – Proof of Concept and Case Study in Augsburg, Germany”

followed by various internship presentations:

  • Tawhid: “Experiences and Learnings from United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)”
  • Diego: “Internship at DLR – Corona edition”
  • Magdalena: “Soil type mapping by using extracted soil spectra from Sentinel-2 data”
  • Florian: “Implementation of drone based surveying methods to create point clouds and plans for a communal graveyard”
  • Basil: “Detection and monitoring of Tailings Dam’s beach width”

as well as three innovation lab presentations:

  • Magdalena: “Classification and change detection: different methods for a wide range of applications”
  • Florian: “Wild plant mixture in agriculture – biomass production for enhancing biodiversity and preventing erosion?”


read more news:

course on Theory and Practice of UAS Operation and Methods

course on Theory and Practice of UAS Operation and Methods

Last week our staff members Antonio Gomez Castaneda and Luisa Pflumm did an UAS course within out EAGLE M.Sc. program. The primary objective of this course is to prepare students — from having no prior experience — to safely operate drones for scientific applications....

Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Within the EAGLE M.Sc. program our Earth Observation students have managed to understand some important research approaches within just the first term of their studies. Integrating and working with several environments simultaneously is a critical tasks for their...