Martin Bachmann

hyperspectral soil remote sensing


Dr. Martin Bachmann is research scientist with the Applied Spectroscopy Group at the German Remote Sensing Data Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Wessling, Germany. He has over 10 years of experience in the fields of hyperspectral data analysis and data pre-processing. For 8 years he was in charge of the data pre-processing chain of DLR’s Optical Airborne Remote Sensing and Calibration Facility (OpAiRS). He leads the work package on “Data Quality Control’ within the EnMAP ground segment, and is involved in the FP7 EUFAR Joint Research Activity on Data Quality Control for airborne hyperspectral and LiDAR pre-processing. In addition, he is also involved in the pre-processing of NOAA AVHRR time series within DLR’s TIMELINE project, and was involved within ESA CCI “fire” within the same field of activity. His research interests also include the development and application of spectral unmixing approaches, and algorithm developments towards the derivation of soil parameters using field, laboratory and airborne spectroscopy. His teaching and training experience is focusing on field and imaging spectroscopy, and includes courses at the Universities of Wuerzburg and Jena, within FP6 Marie Curie Project “Hyper-I-Net”, for Carl-Cranz-Gesellschaftand within DLR capacity building activities.

Recent News

Master Defense: Comparing the suitability of remote sensing and wildlife camera time series for deriving phenological metrics of understory vegetation in temperate forests of Upper Franconia, Bavaria

Master Defense: Comparing the suitability of remote sensing and wildlife camera time series for deriving phenological metrics of understory vegetation in temperate forests of Upper Franconia, Bavaria

On September 18, Sarah Schneider will present her master thesis "Comparing the suitability of remote sensing and wildlife camera time series for deriving phenological metrics of understory vegetation in temperate forests of Upper Franconia, Bavaria" at 14:00 in...