Innovation Laboratory



any EAGLE lecturer as supervisor





The innovation laboratory provides the opportunity to conduct a specified research project on a chosen research topic and explore the potential, challenges and limits of Earth Observation and geoanalysis in a practical approach during the 3rd term.

The Innovation Laboratory allows you to analyze one particular topic in your field of interest in depth. It allows to address own research in the field of the study program and offers the basis of practical attained knowledge. It is similar to an internship but allows to do it at the university (esp. our department).



The content of the innovation laboratory can be decided by each student individually and either a research topic is offered by a lecturer or the student is proposing an own topic. Research topics need to be discussed with and proposed to one EAGLE lecturer who will also be in charge of supervising and grading the students work. Topics of the innovation laboratory can cover all aspects of the EAGLE study program with a strong focus on applied Earth Observation and geoanalysis or its innovative potential for remote sensing sciences. It may comprise topics such as linking spectrometer field studies to remotely sensed data or the exploration of UAV based imagery, as well as space borne earth observation analysis such as time-series derivation for a variety of environmental studies i.e. resource mapping or spatial predictions and statistics of variables.