Spatial Modeling and Prediction



Martin Wegmann


5 ECTS  


Within this course different methods to analyse point pattern statistically and conduct a spatial prediction are covered. Students will learn how to design such analysis, how to avoid caveats, troubleshoot errors and interpret the results.



Different statistical methods will be applied for analysing spatial point patterns, such as vegetation samples or biodiversity related information. These results will be statistically predicted using methods such as GLM, GAM, Random Forest or MaxEnt. Implications of spatial point patterns as well as chosen environmental parameters will be discussed. All methods will be practically applied during the course using the programming language R. The needed pre-requisites are covered in the course “Applied Programming for Remote Sensing and GIS“.



Coding examples and individual project work


Various software programs will be used, but mainly OpenSource software such as R and GRASS.


Different techniques will be introduced and practically applied such as randomForest, GAM or MaxEnt


The theory and practice of spatial modeling with a focus on ecology and conservation

General Course News and Updates

MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei On Friday, October 09, 2023, at 10 a.m. Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei will present her MSc thesis "Short-term forecast of water reservoir dynamics by integrating earth observation and hydrological modeling for dam management" in...

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first EAGLE MSc. student defended his PhD

first EAGLE MSc. student defended his PhD

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Msc Defense by Katrin Wernicke

Msc Defense by Katrin Wernicke

On Tuesday, July 18 at 10 a.m. Katrin Wernicke will present her MSc Thesis "Deep Learning for Refugee Camps – Mapping Settlement Extents with Sentinel-2 Imagery and Semantic Segmentation" From the abstract: The number of people forced to flee their homes has...

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MSc Defense by Nora Nieskens

MSc Defense by Nora Nieskens

MsC Defense by Nora Nieskens On Friday, September 08, 2023 at 11 a.m. Nora Nieskens will present her Msc Thesis “Estuaries in transition: Earth observation-based analysis of the turbidity dynamics in selected North Sea estuaries” in room 00.B.09 in John-Skilton-Str....

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