EAGLE Xmas party

After a bit more than 2 months of intense Earth Observation courses and lots of studying of radar, cloud computing, r and python programming and much more the EAGLEs are celebrating the end of the year and two weeks break before the second part of the winter terms starts. A lot of cookies, hot wine and games are prepared and they enjoy to have some fun time together and celebrate their achievements. 

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EAGLE workshop on Earth Observation application

EAGLE workshop on Earth Observation application

Our first EAGLE workshop on Earth Observation applications covered various topics. After a heartily welcome by Tobias Ullmann did more than 50 participants listen to the following talks:     Ása Aðalsteinsdóttir: “SAR Monitoring in Iceland”     Katrin Wernicke:...

DGPF award for our EAGLE MSc Luisa Wagner

DGPF award for our EAGLE MSc Luisa Wagner

We are very happy to congratulate our former EAGLE student Luisa Wagner for the 2nd prize of the Karl‐Kraus‐Nachwuchsförderpreis 2024. Luisa received this award for her M.Sc. thesis which she handed in early last year on "Analysis of ice shelf front dynamics in Pine...